Covid -19: A Review on Covid- 19 Vaccines in India
Covid -19, Vaccines, Adverse Events, Covaxin, Covishield, ImmunisationAbstract
COVID -19 (corona virus disease 19) or SARS-COV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) is an emerging infectious disease spreading worldwide. Since there is no medicines discovered against covid -19, vaccines are developed by various manufacturers in a short duration without compromising the safety due to the urgency of vaccines during the pandemic and many vaccines are at the stage of clinical trials. Even though many vaccines are developed, less number of vaccines only got the approval. Various covid 19 vaccines are available in India mainly covishield and covaxin. Vaccination for COVID-19 is very essential as vaccination has proved to decrease severity and prevent mortality due to COVID-19. All people should be vaccinated at the earliest to reduce the impact and severity of covid -19. so, information’s regarding covid -19 should be addressed to the public for removing the barriers which prevent them from taking vaccines. Many people are not yet vaccinated due to the misconceptions about vaccines and adverse events following immunization. This article contains a detailed review of vaccines currently available in India.
Keywords: Covid -19, Vaccines, Adverse Events, Covaxin, Covishield, Immunisation