Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics <p><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="text-align: justify;"><strong>(Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2021)</strong></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="text-align: justify;"><strong>SJIF 2021 = 6.104 </strong></span></span></span></p> <p><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics (JDDT)</strong> is an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal dedicated to the rapid publication of full-length original research papers, short communications, invited reviews, Case studies and editorial commentary and news, Opinions &amp; Perspectives and Book Reviews written at the invitation of the Editor in all areas of the Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.</span></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Medical || Dentistry || Biomedical Sciences || Ayurveda || Homeopathy || </strong></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Genetics, Hematology, Pathology, Immunology, Microbiology, Virology, Parasitology, Surgery, Dental Sciences, Sports Physiology, Histopathology, Toxicology and all major disciplines of Biomedical Sciences.<br /><strong>Pharmaceutical Sciences || Allied Sciences </strong></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry, Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Clinical Research, Pharmacy Practice, Clinical and Hospital Pharmacy, Cell Biology, Genomics and Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology and all major disciplines of Pharmaceutical Sciences.</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Articles are published as they are accepted and are freely available on the journal’s website to facilitate rapid and broad dissemination of research findings to a global audience.</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Top Reasons for publication with us</strong></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Quick Quality Review:</strong> The journal has strong international team of editors and reviewers, Rapid Decision and Publication</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Very Low Publication Fees:</strong> Comparable journals charge a huge sum for each accepted manuscript. JDDT only charge the fees necessary to recoup cost associated with running the journal</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Other features:</strong> DIDS Assigned and Implemented the Open Review System (ORS).</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong>Important Notice:</strong></span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Author can now directly send their manuscript as an email attachment to</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;">Innovative Library</span></span></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><span style="font-family: lucida sans unicode,lucida grande,sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong></strong>, <strong></strong></span></span></p> <p> </p> JDDT en-US Journal of Drug Discovery and Therapeutics 2320-4230 A Review of the Pharmacognostic and Pharmacological <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Moringa oleifera</em>&nbsp;is a valued medicinal plant in traditional folk medicine. Many pharmacological studies have shown the ability of this plant to exhibit analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticancer, antioxidant, nootropic, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, anti-ulcer, cardiovascular, anti-obesity, antiepileptic, antiasthmatic, antidiabetic, anti-urolithiatic, diuretic, local anesthetic, anti-allergic, anthelmintic, wound healing, antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, and antidiarrheal properties. This review is a comprehensive summary of the phytochemical and pharmacological activities as well as the traditional and therapeutic uses of this plant.&nbsp;<em>M. oleifera</em>&nbsp;has wide traditional and pharmacological uses in various pathophysiological conditions. We will review the various properties of&nbsp;<em>M. oleifera</em>&nbsp;(drumstick tree) and focus on its various medicinal properties. We think that it is an attractive subject for further experimental and clinical investigations.</p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>EYWORDS</strong><strong>:</strong>&nbsp;<em>Moringa oleifera</em>,&nbsp;<em>pharmacological actions</em>,&nbsp;<em>phytochemistry</em></p> Nitya Nand Dwivedi Rakesh Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-09 2024-12-09 12 6 1 10 Review of Pharmacognostic and Pharmacological Activity of Hippophae rhamnoides Linn <p>A urolithiasis is a disorder that affects the urinary system and is caused by the production of Urinary stones. Despite the fact that the likelihood of having kidney stones varies from country to country, this is stillLokesh Kumar Saini a public health issue. This disorder is also known as nephrolithiasis or Kidney stones. Hippophae rhamnoides L., commonly referred to as sea buckthorn, belongs to the family Elaeagnaceae. This deciduous shrub is native to the cold-temperate regions of Europe and Asia and is well recognized for its resilience in harsh climates. The plant has garnered significant attention due to its nutritional and medicinal potential, widely explored in traditional and modern pharmacology [38]. Hippophae rhamnoides exhibits notable adaptability and thrives in varied ecosystems, including mountainous regions, coastal areas, and semi-arid landscapes. The plant plays an ecological role in preventing soil erosion, contributing to habitat restoration, and promoting biodiversity in challenging terrains. The genus Hippophae consists of multiple species, with H. rhamnoides being the most extensively studied. It falls within the Elaeagnaceae family, characterized by nitrogen-fixing capabilities via root nodules that engage in symbiosis with actinobacteria [39]. Hippophae rhamnoides has a long use in traditional medicine, especially in Tibetan and Mongolian systems. Ethnomedicinal practices have employed various parts of the plant, including the leaves, bark, roots, and berries, for their therapeutic effects. The berries have been used to treat digestive disorder conditions, and skin ailments. The oil extracted from the seeds and pulp is known for its wound-healing and anti- inflammatory properties. In Tibet, sea buckthorn is considered a potent remedy for altitude sickness and is used as a general tonic to enhance strength and immunity [43-45].</p> <p><strong>Keywords -</strong> Hippophae rhamnoides<em>,, </em>pharmacognosy, traditional medicine, Anti-urolithiatic</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Lokesh Kumar Saini Surbhi Jangir Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 12 6 11 16 To Investigate the Highly Efficient One-Pot Synthesis of Primary Amides Catalyzed by Scandium (III) Triflate under Controlled Microwave Conditions <p style="font-weight: 400;">There has been a recent shift in organic synthesis toward methods that are less harmful to the economy and the environment. In order to build the molecular structures, we want by connecting various organic species, new techniques have emerged as an indispensable tool, complementing more conventional ways. A model reaction using 2-aminopyridine and ethyl phenylacetate was used to optimize the reaction conditions. The parameters, including catalyst, oxidant, base, and solvent, were varied. The optimal solution was determined to be a CuI-K2CO3 mix in CH3CN subjected to visible light irradiation at room temperature. The reaction's viability was assessed by meticulously manipulating a model reaction involving isatin and (E)-3-(benzylamino)-3-(methylthio)-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one, changing variables including catalyst, solvent, temperature, and molar concentration of the reactants. The second step was to conduct a few control tests to investigate the reaction pathways.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong>&nbsp; Synthesis, Primary Amides, Controlled and Mw</p> Jasmin Haider Bagwan Arun Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 12 6 17 26 A Comprehensive Review on Salacia Oblonga <p style="font-weight: 400;">(Syn. Comocladia serrata Blanco) (Celastraceae family), a Southern Indian shrub, is an endangered medicinal plant also found in tropical Africa, Sri Lanka, China, Vietnam, and Thailand. <em>S. oblonga</em> yields several therapeutic phytocompounds, including salacinol, kotalanol, neokotalanol, neosalacinol, and mangiferin. The plant's components have been employed in Ayurvedic medicine and Southwest Asian nations to cure several diseases. Although <em>S. oblonga</em> is well known for treating diabetes, new research have shown its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, nephroprotective, anti-microbial, and cardiac disorder-treating properties. A complete analysis of <em>S. oblonga</em>'s phytomorphology, phytochemistry, and pharmacological activity and safety assessment is presented here.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Salacia oblonga, </em>diabetes, phytomorphology, pharmacological activities.</p> Ravinder Kaur Mayank Mandhayana Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 12 6 27 41 Evaluation of Novel 2,4-Disubstituted Thiazoles for Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity <p style="font-weight: 400;">The biological evaluation of these novel heterocyclic molecules revealed promising biochemical activities. In vitro assays demonstrated significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties. Several compounds exhibited potent inhibitory effects against key enzymes and cellular pathways associated with these conditions, suggesting their potential as therapeutic agents. The findings of this research highlight the potential of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds in developing new therapeutics. The novel synthetic strategies developed here not only contribute to the field of organic chemistry but also open new avenues for the design of drugs with enhanced efficacy and reduced side effects.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Novel, 2,4-Disubstituted, Thiazoles, Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity</span></p> Abhishek Bhardwaj O.P Agarwal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-15 2024-12-15 12 6 42 49 Invitro Study of Phospholipid Assisted Nano-Suspensions of Efavirenz <div><span lang="EN-US">According at WHO, AIDS a caused by HIV&nbsp;</span></div> Harsha Parihar Rajshri Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 12 6 50 60 Impacting the Glass-Forming Ability and Long-Term Stability of Spray-Dried Medicines Maintained in Dry and Humid Settings <p style="font-weight: 400;">Our objectives were to examine (i) how different preparation methods affect the evaluation of GFA and GS in compounds, specifically comparing the GFA class of compounds made by spray-drying vs melt-quenching in the DSC, (ii) how amorphous compounds made by spray-drying fare when stored at &lt;5% RH (dry) and 75% RH (humid) for 168 days, and (iii) whether there is a possible correlation between the long-term physical stability and glass forming ability (GFA) and/or physicochemical characteristics. Twenty-six glass-forming compounds (II and III) with a wide range of physicochemical characteristics were chosen based on their prior reporting.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> physicochemical, prior, stability, forming reporting.</p> Sandeep Ashokrao Wathore Mahavir Chhajed Manmeet Singh Saluja Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 12 6 61 73 Chemotherapy for Cancer <p>The creation of medicines, and especially chemotherapy, relies heavily on heterocyclic molecules, which are fundamental to medicinal chemistry. This research aims to increase the usefulness and efficacy of heterocyclic chemicals in the treatment of cancer. therapy by creating new synthetic techniques for these chemicals. By exploring innovative synthetic routes and methodologies, we aim to overcome existing challenges in the synthesis of complex heterocyclic structures and to discover compounds with potent anticancer properties. Our approach involves the integration of modern synthetic techniques, including biocatalysis and flow chemistry, to streamline the synthesis process, reduce environmental impact, and improve yield and purity. Biocatalysis leverages the specificity and efficiency of enzymes to facilitate reactions under mild conditions, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional chemical methods. Flow chemistry, on the other hand, allows for continuous synthesis, improving reaction control and scalability. As part of our study, we created a number of new heterocyclic compounds and tested their cytotoxicity against different types of cancer cells. A number of substances have shown promising anticancer effects in preliminary studies, demonstrating their potential as chemotherapy agents. Structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies have been conducted to understand the molecular features responsible for their efficacy, guiding further optimization of these compounds. Additionally, we have employed computational chemistry tools to predict the interaction of these heterocyclic compounds with target proteins involved in cancer proliferation. These predictions are validated through in vitro and in vivo experiments, providing a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of action and potential therapeutic applications.</p> <p><strong>Keywords </strong>Cancer chemotherapy, cancer stem cells mechanisms of action, side effects</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pankaj Kumar Deepak Birla Manmeet Singh Saluja Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-11 2024-12-11 12 6 74 82 Review of Pharmacological and Pharmacognostical Activity of Cucurbita Maxima <p style="font-weight: 400;">Pumpkin belongs to the family of&nbsp;<a href="">Cucurbitaceae</a>, which comprises several species that has economical as well as agronomical importance. All parts of pumpkin are edible and laden with beneficial neutraceutical compounds. Pumpkin seeds are valuable source protein which can help in eradicating&nbsp;<a href="">protein malnutrition</a>&nbsp;and lipids (rich in PUFAs) contains essential as well as non&nbsp;<a href="">essential fatty acids</a>&nbsp;which prevents from various ailments like cancer and other cardiovascular diseases. Since, seeds of pumpkin are abundant in macro (magnesium, phosphorous,&nbsp;<a href="">potassium</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">sodium</a>&nbsp;and calcium) and micro minerals (iron, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium), they can be used as an incredible dietary supplement which in turn helps in curbing various deficiency disorders. This review enlightens the characteristics of pumpkin seeds, process of valorization of pumpkin seeds and the effect of processing on their nutritional composition which have been studied currently with the aim to use this wonder seeds for human wellbeing. Pumpkin seeds possess many&nbsp;<a href="">bioactive compounds</a>&nbsp;like polyphenols,&nbsp;<a href="">flavonoids</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">phytosterols</a>&nbsp;and&nbsp;<a href="">squalene</a>&nbsp;which makes it a lucrative raw material for pharmacological and food industries. Pumpkin seeds work as anti-depressant and helps majorly in the treatment of&nbsp;<a href="">benign prostate hyperplasia</a>&nbsp;(BHP). Daily consumption of pumpkin seeds can reduce the chances of Alzheimer's and&nbsp;<a href="">Parkinson's disease</a>. Pumpkin seeds are rich in&nbsp;<a href="">tocopherols</a>&nbsp;and can be used for oil extraction for edible purposes and utilized in other food formulations for future use.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Pumpkin seeds, Antidiabetic, Antidepressant, Anticancer, Anthelmintic</p> Neha Mishra Surbhi Jangir Satyendra Prakash Mishra Rakesh Gupta Shubham Mishra Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-17 2024-12-17 12 6 83 86 Orodispersible Films: Innovations in Drug Delivery Systems <p style="font-weight: 400;">Orodispersible films (ODFs) are innovative drug delivery systems designed to dissolve rapidly in the oral cavity without the need for water, offering an effective alternative for patients with swallowing difficulties, such as pediatrics and geriatrics. These films provide rapid onset of action, enhanced patient compliance, and accurate dosing. This review highlights the advantages and disadvantages of ODFs, outlines the various methods of preparation, evaluates their critical parameters, and explores their wide range of applications in the pharmaceutical field. The article concludes with an emphasis on the potential of ODFs as a versatile platform for improving drug delivery and patient outcomes.</p> <p><strong>Key words:</strong> Orodispersible films, drug delivery system, rapid disintegration, solvent casting, hot melt extrusion, bioavailability, patient compliance, taste masking, pediatric and geriatric medicine.</p> Umang . Rajesh Asija Seema Yadav Trimukhi Anil Goyal Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-22 2024-12-22 12 6 87 91 Diabetic Nephropathy: Pharmacological and Emerging Approches <p style="font-weight: 400;">Diabetic nephropathy is diagnosed&nbsp;by persistent albuminuria on two or more occasions, separated at least by three months on early morning urine samples. Persistent albuminuria is greater than 300 mg over 24 hours or greater than 200 micrograms per minute.&nbsp;Moderately increased albuminuria is when the urine albumin excretion rate is between 30 to 300 mg over 24 hours and is a marker of early DN. It is critical to exclude a urinary tract infection as the cause of albuminuria by a urinalysis. Proteinuria is the hallmark of diabetic nephropathy. The&nbsp;absence of retinopathy makes diabetic nephropathy less likely in T1DM. The scenario is more difficult in T2DM than with&nbsp;T1DM. The exact time of the onset of&nbsp;T2DM is unclear in most patients.&nbsp;History and physical exam play a crucial role in diagnosing diabetic nephropathy in T2DM. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is a significant microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus, affecting 30-40% of diabetic patients and serving as the leading cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) worldwide. DN is characterized by progressive kidney damage due to chronic hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, and hemodynamic abnormalities, resulting in glomerular hypertrophy, mesangial expansion, podocyte loss, and tubulointerstitial fibrosis. The pathogenesis of DN involves the activation of multiple pathways, including the polyol pathway, advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) formation, protein kinase C (PKC) activation, and renin- angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) overactivity. These mechanisms collectively promote inflammation, oxidative stress, and fibrosis, leading to impaired kidney function and proteinuria. While conventional treatments such as RAAS blockade and glycemic control remain essential, emerging therapies offer new hope for better management. Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors, nonsteroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists, and glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists have shown promising reno-protective effects. Novel therapies, including endothelin receptor antagonists, Bardoxolone methyl, gene therapy, andstem cell-based interventions, target key molecular pathways to halt or reverse disease progression. This review highlights the pathophysiology, current pharmacological treatments, and emerging approaches, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and novel interventions in improving renal outcomes for diabetic patients.</p> <p><strong>Key words: </strong>Diabetic nephropathy, diabetes mellitus, RAAS, SGLT-2 inhibitors, etc..</p> Himanshu Peshwani Surbhi Jangir Divya Singh Rakesh Sharma Copyright (c) 2024 2024-12-19 2024-12-19 12 6 92 97